Thursday, March 29, 2012

हे जन अर्जन  से मुंख न मोढ़  ,
पर यह अर्जन  किस हेतु हाय
बहुजन हिताय,बह्जन सुखाय !

O my dear  don't turn your face from earning money.
But why is this earning?
For the walfare of the people ,
For the happiness of the people.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Greaf is the state of mind created by the absence of objects of
one's liking.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Simple food is one of the ashtang yoga rule

Astang yoga or eight limbs of yoga

Yoga does not means just Asanas , Pranayams and kriyas. It includes lots of other things too.  As it is said Yoga has eight limbs means Astang Yoga .Simple food is one of them.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog address for yogastlambert

Hi Yogis here it is Tratak yoga for Concentration. When you see the centre of this it helps in Concentrating,

Tratak -For concentration of mind if you do not have candle put this image on your desk top and see continuous for as long as you can without blinking eye